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Artist Profile

Autumn - 3

“Autumn-3” is a 2007 Acrylic on canvas painting by Farida Zaman. She uses warm yellow, a bit of orange, burnt sienna, and creates the festive atmosphere of Autumn. Autumn comes with its bright clear sky, golden fields, and the arrival of goddess Durga. The celebration that starts with the welcoming of deity Durga on earth continues to “Nabanna”, the annual festival of harvesting. Nature adorned with crops, the sky full of white clouds, and notes of conch declare its glory. Going with the greek way of reflecting nature in the form of women Farida Zaman paints Autumn keeping women in the center. With her extensive use of local motifs and bold lines, she expresses the eternal entanglement with nature.

Artist Art Style

Renowned artist Farida Zaman depicts the riverine life of Bangladesh in her works. She narrates story of our rural. the use of earthy tone, water color makes her paintings refreshing. Rural patthern, line art is a prominent part of her art style.
