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Artist Profile

Childhood Memories

We grow up, grow apart and grow out of our childlike innocence but the thing that keeps us going is the memories we make along the way, the time we spend with our closed ones, and the little moments we collect. In every mention of those events and every touch of those people, we go back to the time that is long gone. Tejosh Halder Josh tried to bring out those exact feelings in his 2006 sculpture “Childhood Memories”. We see a mother running her hands through her daughter’s hair and in their reliance, we witness something magical.
He used glass fiber mixed with various mediums to create a story of the most cherished part of our life.

Talpatar Pathshala

“Talpatar Pathshala” is a 2007 sculpture by Tejosh Halder Josh. Talpatar Pathashala is his tribute to the old days when children used to make mile-long journeys to attend schools, sit under the shadow of tree and education was a teacher giving lessons and children sitting around him. He used glass fiber, painted the pieces in black, and arranged them together to recreate the scene from the village school. He creates a memorable ambiance and takes to our childhood through his sculpture. They communicate with us and reminds us of the past.
He dreams of the older times and creates reality through his creation. In Talpatar Pathshala he captured the time that can be hardly seen now.

Artist Art Style

Tejosh Halder Josh specializes in the area of clay modeling, mold making, bronze casting, stone and wood carving, fiberglass and concrete casting, Kline making, welding arc and gas, printmaking, painting, kinetic art, installation, performing art. His work engages with the notion of space, objects, architecture, heightening the sense of perception in the spectators and conceptually he usually tends to work with the phenomenon of moral absence looking from a global perspective.
